Talk Personal Finance – December 2015

Happy holidays everyone! It has definitely been a while since my last Talk Personal Finance post and I think it would be a good idea to start it back up again. For those who are new to my blog, this is where I talk about various things in finance that are relevant in my life.

Net-Worth Update November 2015: $34,478 (-$3,326/-8.8%)

Welcome to November everyone!!! This month showcases my FIRST negative overall progress since the start of my net-worth updates back in January. The reason for this dip was because I had made some big purchases. The first was my orthodontic treatment that I had decided to undergo. Although my insurance will cover 50% of this

My Transition to Part-Time Employment

My transition from a full-time employment to a part-time position is the latest development in my life. Despite taking a pay cut, I felt like I could no longer continue in my previous post and that the salary was no longer worth it. If you had been wondering why my blog had been inactive the