Updates Archive

Million Endeavour is Active on Twitter!

Although my blog has a Twitter and Facebook page, I haven’t exactly been active on either one of them. The reason for this was because I thought it would be too hard to maintain both of them at the same time aside from the automation of new posts. This is why I have decided to

Two Year Anniversary, Change is Not Always Bad!

I can’t believe it but Million Endeavour is currently over two years old now! To be honest, I didn’t really expect myself to maintain this blog for this long. As someone who loves to create, I am not so good at finishing or maintaining the things that I start. Fortunately, that is not the case

Talk Personal Finance – February 2016

Hello everyone and welcome to February. I know that normally my Talk Personal Finance series is published at the start of each month but for some reason, it just happens to be very late this time around. Moving forward, I would like to develop some structure in my posts so that they would not be

Talk Personal Finance – January 2016

Wow! So far, the stock market this year has been off to a rough start.  Although the bear market is always welcomed in my books as it presents buying opportunities, it can be quite problematic seeing how I do not have any cash position to capitalize on that. Ouch….

2016 Personal Finance Goals

The reason why it took me this long to share my goals for 2016 was because I had to take some time to re-evaluate my life and what I wanted out of it financially. From my 2015 goals review, it is clear that I had fell extremely short of my expectations. I have concluded that

2015 Goals Review

Welcome to the year 2016 everyone! 2015 is now officially over and a brand new year has begun. To be honest, I did not do as well as I expected to financially last year but I have high hopes that 2016 will be the year where everything will begin to change. Here were the goals