General Finance Archive

How Important is Your Time?

It has been a while since my last post and quite frankly, I haven’t been updating my blog as often as I would like. Exhaustion has caught up to me and I haven’t achieved much progress financially as of lately. I had no other choice but to take a short break from finances to recover.

How to Become Financially Independent?

When I first embarked on my journey to wealth, I was familiarized with the term financial freedom. However, as I began to browse through some blogs, I have noticed that many have the goal of financial independence instead. Although these two terms may be likened to the same thing, I have never seen it that

What Does Personal Finance Mean To You?

Finally! Another work week has just concluded for me and it is time to enjoy my short lived days off before another one commences. This is the life that I am currently leading. I work the graveyard shift, 50 hours a week and tank through the weekends when most people are out doing whatever they

Top Canadian Credit Cards for 2014

For my latest Million Endeavour project, I have developed a list of what I think makes the list of the top Canadian credit cards for 2014 in hopes that you may find it useful. Although the cards that I have selected are all no annual fee credit cards that will reap the best reward possible,

The Cost of Building a Home Gym

The cost of living a healthy lifestyle can get pretty expensive. This is especially true if you are paying $30 to $50 per month on a gym membership.  If you were like me who spent tons of money on a gym membership that is barely being used, then perhaps it’s time to consider building your

Why I Started to Eat Out Less Often

Are you one of those people who love to eat out? I know I am! If you are too, then it goes without saying that not only is eating out often quite expensive but also extremely unhealthy. Unfortunately, I did not realize this until a few months back when I started to wonder where all

Opening a TFSA Discount Brokerage

In all honesty, the reason why I haven’t done much in terms of personal finance lately is because I have been sick for the last few weeks. I barely had any energy to do anything after a long day at work but to rest and now that I am starting to feel a little better,