Monthly Archive::

My Trip to Singapore Part 2

So… I’ve been here in Singapore/Malaysia for about 1 week now and it is time for another update. Everyone in pursuit of financial freedom should have a dream to keep them motivated. If you have missed my first update, I had just realized that my new found dream would to be to purchase a property

My Trip to Singapore Part 1

Hello Everyone! I am currently writing you from Singapore! It has been a while since I travelled anywhere outside of Canada and boy has it been an eye opening experience so far. I can’t really recall but if my memory serves me correctly, it has been 10 years since my last airplane flight. The reason

Talk Personal Finance – February 2016

Hello everyone and welcome to February. I know that normally my Talk Personal Finance series is published at the start of each month but for some reason, it just happens to be very late this time around. Moving forward, I would like to develop some structure in my posts so that they would not be

Should I Take Out a Loan for My RRSP?

Tax season is just around the corner and it is that time of the year where people start contributing to their RRSP! Personally, I think it’s best to contribute to the RRSP at the start of the year for investment growth but this can prove quite difficult for those who do not have the excess